Yesterday, got a call from the dermatologist’s office saying they’d have to re-schedule our Friday appointment to next month as they were closing the HB office for several weeks.
Today, got a call from Di’s psychologist saying no face-to-face meetings for the next few weeks and would Di like to Facetime or Skype – no, we’ll re-schedule after things clear up. Can’t say as I blame her, she and her husband are in our age group and he just turned 80.
Dentist also set back Di’s cleaning to late April.
Caregiver came to help Di today and I drove into Orange to drop off our taxes at our accountant’s office – she was home sick.
I drove back to HB to do some grocery shopping and a phone call from the accountant caught me in TJ’s parking lot – just wanted to confirm our personal and bank info hadn’t changed. TJ’s was still short but I got salads, milk and a few other things.
It began to rain and I drove to TK Burger to get a Big Bargain Special for lunch. Take-out only but open. Ate lunch in the car as it was raining at the Pier Plaza parking lot. And then put some gas in the car.
Got another call from the accountant, pulled to the side of the road, parked and answered the phone. Taxes were done and we’ll get back about four grand; she filed electronically and already received confirmation. Wrote her a check when I got home, but the mail had already been delivered and her check will go out tomorrow.
Continued to Smart and Final and picked up some ice cream, soup and a roast chicken — they also had milk but, like TJ’s limited quantities of milk and some other items.
Got home and Di and her caregiver were doing well. She had helped Di change some of her clothes and changed the bed after one of the cats threw up on it. She’d also started a laundry of the sheets and other items in the hamper.
All in all a pretty good day . . . all things considered.