Just a Quick Thought

I just did my morning Facebook check before launching into my CWPs and math puzzles.

A friend of mine posted a LIKE to a photo from the “Peaceful Warrior.”

I believe that this is a reflection of why we have so much trouble with violence and war, and why we cannot seem to stop hurting and killing each other.

For Example:

  • Peaceful Warrior
  • Love is the weapon . . .
  • Holy War
  • Love is a Battlefield
  • Onward Christian Soldiers – from followers of a man who preached love and turning the other cheek

Human beings have extensive skills with regard to pattern recognition. We see pictures in clouds and ink blots. We connect dot-to-dot puzzles. We see oases in deserts far from any source of water, and we see bears and crabs wandering the night skies.

I wonder, is the pattern I see in our brains that is reflected in our words real or is it just another mirage?

. . . just a thought . . .