Retired Teacher

I am a retired teacher. I spent forty years teaching middle school / junior high school (forty-one years if you count my student teaching and part-time teaching.).

Joe at Pompey's Pillar
The case in the upper right covers and protects Wm. Clark’s carved signature (July 26, 1806). It is the only known extant on-site evidence of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

History, Wood Shop, Metal Shop, Drafting, English, Computers and Photo-Journalism.

K: Holly Avenue
1-8: Holy Angels
High School: Don Bosco Tech
CSCLA 1971: BA – History with a minor in Industrial Arts
USIU 1991: MA – Computer Education

1971-72: Oak Avenue Intermediate School in Temple City, California (Student teaching and part-time)
1972-87: Yorba Junior High/Middle School in Orange, California
1987-2012: Cerro Villa Middle School in Villa Park, California

I also worked as public address announcer and message board operator at Kelly Stadium in Orange, California.

My hobbies are photography (landscapes and flowers) and reading (science and science fiction/fantasy). I had an S-gauge American Flyer train set for which my dad built a large table in our garage; I’d like to build an outdoor train layout in our backyard wending its way through my wife’s garden. (I may have to build my layout on the patio as her garden is gaining more and more flowering plants.)

When I retired I told my wife that I was going to do nothing for a year before deciding whether or not to get another (or part-time) job. It has now been five years and I have not been bored and have plenty of things to do with my time. No longer is my life dictated by the demands of school bells. I am enjoying my self immensely. And, NO, I am certainly not going to do any substitute teaching!

My wife Diana (Charlie) is just starting her own blog at:

Those who can – do.
Those who can’t – criticize.
Those who understand – teach.
Those who become enlightened – retire.

3 thoughts on “Retired Teacher”

  1. Hi Mr Aubuchon,

    Your named popped back in my head tonight while talking to my wife about middle school. I did a little google search and found your site! Had a good experience in your history class, much appreciated!

    Also, any recommendations for a science fiction book to read on vacation? I have 5 days left! 🙂

    Anyway, hope you are well 🙂

    – Sean Hickey

    1. Good to hear from you Sean, try Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse, #1)

      Leviathan Wakes — it’s the first in the series for the cable TV show the Expanse. A bit long but a good read.

      In these trying times take good care of yourself and your family, Joe AuBuchon

  2. Guess this year has a lot of us thinking back. I was thinking of all my favorite classes and teachers, and your name came to mind. Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself in retirement!

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