About seven-thirty this morning Di got up and I helped her to the loo and then to get dressed. Kathy was already up and recovered; Don was recovered as well. Kit, it turned out, had been well enough to get in the taxi last night and make his plane (at least, we haven’t heard anything from him to the contrary . . . yet). Trish, however, has been touch and go most of the day — although now, about seven-thirty in the evening, she seems well.
Helen arrived an hour or so ago without her son, Theo, who decided he was having so much fun rowing that he’d rather stay with his team and friends than visit with this fifty-five plus group of relatives and his aunt’s friends. (Can’t say I blame him.)
Di’s been down at the pool most of the afternoon; I did my swimming this morning rather than come out in the heat of the day. It only got up into the eighties today and there has been a constant breeze — enough to blow windows open and closed in the villa and I’ve seen whitecaps on the sea.
Kathy, Don and Becka caught the 2:30 pm bus to Corfu city and went sightseeing (don’t know when they’re scheduled to come back). Helen brought Di some Twiglets and Lapsang Souchong tea — UGH, but she’s happy about it. Helen and Trish walked down the hill to Nissaki to rent a car for tomorrow and bring back more bread and milk. They plan for the four of us to go out to lunch and then for the three girls to do some shopping while I park myself in a taverna and enjoy a beer or two or three rather than having to accompany Di like I usually do — I can do that.
The tourist party to Corfu made it back about dinnertime here — nine. They enjoyed themselves and made several trips by bus in and around town.
We shared dinner, wine, stories and Bananagram games — a good evening.
Got up about eight-thirty this morning. Don, Kathy and Becka left a bit after nine to again catch a bus and do touristy things. Trish and Helen went to get the rental car for this evening’s outing. Spent the morning by the pool “filming” a fledgling being fed by a parent. And I then had a swim with a timeout for the pool guy to do his thing. Then back in the pool to complete my laps — this is the only real exercise I get here. — Feeding at Villa Andonis
Spent some time reading on the computer, the Register and the Times and began reading The Bedlam Boyz. Lunch was provided by Helen and Trish, who, along with Di, played several games of Bananagrams. Next a shower and this update before we go out. Ahhhh . . .
Change of plans — Di decided not to go sightseeing and so we are going down to the Nissaki harbor area for dinner at the Mitsos Taverna and for Di to go shopping at The Loom just across the “street” from the taverna at the end of the road. Trish still rented the car for two days.
Got down to the harbor area and got unloaded as Trish parked the car a ways up the hill. Di had a workout getting up to The Loom’s actual shopping area, a dozen or more steps above the street. One of the women loaned her chair to Di until I brought up her “wheelie.” Di sat there and then began to move around and shop. Helen said they’d need about forty minutes; I guessed at least an hour and fretted about it being two.
As they began to shop I went down the stairs to the taverna and ordered a Corfu Red Ale. I nursed it for an hour and waited further — until I was joined by the women after a successful “gathering.” We were seated at a nice table by the water and proceeded to have wine, befores and dinner. While at dinner the wanderers returned and, being quite tired, decided not to join us — except for Becka who came down quite manic.
Dinner was good, again. I enjoyed a Greek shrimp dish for a before and then had their version of seafood pasta — ate all but one bite of the pasta. Everyone else seemed to enjoy their meal and wine. Becka also went for a swim between befores and the main course.
It was then into the car and back up to the villa, a few games of Bananagrams and to bed.
(to be continued)